Bob hair cuts have been very poplar for the past decade. Many celebrities sport bob styles with confidence on the red carpet. Millions of women have followed in the lead, making it one of the most popular hairstyle of the century. Bob hairstyles give charming looks without any hassles. There are many types of bob haircuts. They include layered bob haircuts, short bob haircuts, medium bob, bobs with bangs, angled bob hairstyles and very long bob cuts. They look nice on people of all age, from little girls to elderly women. Some may say that they look very generic, but with different touches, they have a lot character.
Layered bob haircuts are very trendy right now. They suit anyone with straight hair. However, if you have wavy or curly hair, don't get a layered bob. Layers will make the hair look more puffy. Layered bobs are suitable for thin, straight hair. There are different kinds of layers. They include short, chopper layers to gentle, long layers. Short layers add volume while long layers add flow.
Traditionally, bob hair cuts were about chin length. Now, people are getting more experimental with bobs. Many people opt for short bob hair cuts. They look amazing on women with long necks and angular faces. They look very pixie like and cute. They also add a lot of grace to a person's appearance. They do not look good on people with square or round faces. Short bobs do require a lot of maintenance, such as frequent trimming. To make them look neat, blow drying and straightening are also recommended.
More and more people are considering fringes or bangs for their bob haircuts. Bangs hide large foreheads and strong facial structures. Depending on the style of the bang, it can also be original. Bangs vary in length and longer bangs can look like fringes. Fringes easily disguise asymmetry. They can be inconvenient, since frequent trimming is required. Celebrities like Rhianna and Emma Watson have bobs with bangs.
Long bob haircuts are very graceful. When they are cut properly, the hair is shiny and bounces with fluidity. They are the most suitable bob for people with curly or wavy hair. They also suit people with very round or flat faces.



Original article and pictures take inhairs.blogspot.com site
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