вторник, 14 июля 2015 г.

21 Bobby Pin Hairstyles You Can Do In Minutes

21 Bobby Pin Hairstyles You Can Do In Minutes
Six Sisters Blog

Remember that bobby pins are meant to be used with the wavy side facing your scalp — the ridges are there to grip your hair and lock everything in place.michellephan.com

Remember that bobby pins are meant to be used with the wavy side facing your scalp — the ridges are there to grip your hair and lock everything in place.

Kathleen Kamphausen / cosmopolitan.com

The Small Things Blog / thesmallthingsblog.com

Free People / blog.freepeople.com

4. Shorter locks? Sweep everything to one side:

Here's how to do it.beautylish.com

Here's how to do it.

And to prevent pins from sliding, prep them before use:


Ma Nouvelle Mode / manouvellemode.com

Naptural85 / youtube.com

Makeup Geek / makeupgeek.com

8. Master the art of the twist-and-tuck:

Get the details.irrelephant-blog.com

Get the details.

9. Use bobby pins to prop up your ponytail:

All about that base. Learn how.thehowtomom.com

All about that base. Learn how.

10. Get creative with a chevron-inspired design:

Here's how.

Here's how.

Yet Another Beauty Site / via divinecaroline.com

Marie Claire / marieclaire.com

Mike Garten / refinery29.com


Hair equality for all.

Hair equality for all.

The Beauty Snoop / thebeautysnoop.com

Illuminati chic. More ideas here.

Illuminati chic. More ideas here.

Mucho Mucho Bueno Bueno / muchomuchobuenobueno.com

16. Start your day with a sunrise ponytail:

Fair to say that this one might take more than a few minutes — but you can't just ~rush a sunrise~, OK? Get the instructions.brit.co

Fair to say that this one might take more than a few minutes — but you can't just ~rush a sunrise~, OK? Get the instructions.

17. Chop your locks (temporarily!):

Total pins needed: 8. See how she did it.elle.com

Total pins needed: 8. See how she did it.

19. Or stack a dozen on top of each other for a beautifully bold look:

20. Rock a rainbow-inspired 'do with colorful pins:

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Original article and pictures take www.buzzfeed.com site

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